Wednesday 15 May 2013


Dear Reader ... uh, Hello! ... have I lost you?  DRAT!  Do come back, I've got plenty to talk about.   

Can you forgive the huge gap between posts.  On my last post I mentioned going to China.  Well, we did!  We were there for most of the month of November and a little bit of October.

I discovered that I could not post to my blog from China.  I'd intended to do just that upon our return but life, as it sometimes does, went totally off the rails. 

First there was the Christmas rush which I was sick for and missed.  Then in January we prepared for visitors from out west.  While they were here we had an enormous family emergency that we're just now calming down from.  So, writing has not been an option but very much on my mind. 

The first thing I'd like to do is give an update on the China trip.  I'd love to add photos but that will take some brain work.  Let's not talk about my brain, shall we?  I struggle when I try to add pictures but hopefully will break the code sometime soon. 

I have four, perhaps five, blogs to add from China and then I'll get back to my fascinating life.  Did I just hear you snore? 

Don't give up on me just yet.  Stay tuned and sign-up on the thingamajig so you get an email when I've posted so you won't make any unnecessary trips to my blog site.  That's for my really big fan.  I know he/she is out there. 

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