Friday 7 September 2012


I have a thing about bookmarks.  It would naturally follow having a fondness for books.  If you like to read as much as I, then you may have the same love and your own collection of these novel little items.  Please don’t tell me you turn the corners over to mark your place.  Tsk! Tsk!  I say to that.

Bookmarks are like little treasures to me.  I buy bookmarks when I travel so that when I come upon them memories of places I’ve been come flooding back.  What else do you use when you cannot put your hand on a proper book mark?  On one of my ventures I lost my train ticket.  The conductor patiently pointed to my book.  I must have treasured that ticket because treasures are the only non-bookmarks I’ll use in my books.

CBC Radio Canada recently featured a story about items found in old books.  It was fascinating.  Of course, loads of money was found.  I’ve used money, too, but only when I wanted to remember to put it safely away in my wallet at the first opportunity.  Having said that, I’ll be flipping through my shelved books the next time I’m low on cash.   

I assume other avid readers have the same love of these little slips of memory and artwork.  I’ve given more bookmarks away than one can imagine.  I’ve lost count of the number I’ve given to my friend, Irene.  She and I love to read and share book recommendations … even books.  We like to meet for lunch too but, that’s another story.  We meet on a bench outside a bookstore.  Where else?

                Here’s the thing.  Loving to read books, it was only natural that Irene and I would move to electronic readers.  So, what’s to become of all our little bookmark gems?  Does Irene have a special spot to store her collection?  I do!  They are all tucked neatly away in my night table drawer.  I talked about this recently with my sister, Gina.  What can I say, we’re sisters.  In many ways we are the same.  Both avid readers, both with bookmark collections and yes, we both keep our miniature markers in the same spot – our night table drawers.  I expect, after Irene has read this, to hear where she keeps her private collection.  Irene?    

                Another thing we sisters do when we’re together is to make what we call a “Same-same”[1], purchase.  The items we buy work like the bookmarks, they remind us of our time together and each other when we’re apart.  With a sister in Michigan and another in Germany our sister’s ‘same-same’ takes some thought.  They must be transportable.  I’ve found something here on The Bruce Peninsula that I can mail to Germany and to Michigan.  It gives me great joy to know my sisters are thinking about me as I hope they feel my many warm thoughts about them. 

                As much as I love my electronic readers … yes, I have more than one.  In fact I now number three since I’ve also discovered the iPad has a reader as well; none of them can replace the smell of paper.  I still like to hold a hard copy book in my hand.  What’s absolutely fabulous about a reader is that they hold hundreds of books.  Great for travel!  Great for reading in bed too, no rolling over to turn pages on a heavy book.  With their own little light they’re great for the husband.  No light shining in his eyes.  They also do not attract bugs to their light so, also great for summer reads in bed.

                Finally, to my same-same sisters, I have the item you will receive by mail, too.  I’m already looking at it and thinking of the both of you and October.  We’ll be together again for the Brigden Reunion.  I wonder just what will be added to our remembrance relics.  

So, tell me dear reader, what treasures do you mark your place with?

[1] “Same-same” is my grandson’s invention.  He was in his twos when he noticed we were wearing similar jackets.  His pudgy little hand pointed to mine, “Same”, and then to his, “Same”.  It’s one of those sayings that stick for life. 



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